Details & Exclusions
*** Offer valid on qualifying products bought online through the Western Digital Store. Sales quantities are limited to a maximum of 1 units per customer. Offer is only valid while supplies last. This offer may not be combined, used in conjunction with or used in addition to any other promotion or offer. Retailers, Resellers and Distributors are excluded from this promotion. The offer is not applicable for any prior purchases and may not be available in all regions of the world. Delivery must be made within the following countries Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, and Slovenia (exclusions may apply). This promotion is valid between February 18, 2025 and March 9, 2025. If you return the product(s) that qualified you for a free gift, the free gift will no longer be valid. If the qualifying product(s) are returned for a refund after the gift has been used, the value of the free gift will be deducted from any refund amount.